One day surgery

- In surgery
- In urology
What is the one- day surgery?
The one-day surgery provides selected operating procedures where patients stay in the hospital as short as possible, usually only for a few hours after the procedure, a maximum of 24 hours. The main assumption of performing the surgery this way is the health status of the patient. Patients with other associated disorders such as severe heart disease, diabetes, unstable high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. are required to undergo perioperative care that can be only provided in hospitals. Such patients cannot be operated at one-day surgery.
Advantages of one-day surgery
- patients usually stay in the centre only for a few hours, a maximum of 24 hours, which surely appreciate people who refuse long hospitalization, whether for personal or professional reasons
- a short stay in the hospital minimizes the possibility of infection diseases, which often cause long stays in hospital
- for surgery are preferred procedures with minimal access, using the latest technique, which tends to the minimal surgical wounds and less pain after the surgery with a rapid recovery
- shortens the time of required sick leave
- the healing process takes place in the home environment, which has a positive effect on the psyche of the patient and the healing process
- after the surgery, patients have a constant contact with the doctor (by phone or via the Internet - Skype), so he will be able to help in the case of any problems
- one of the best advantages is the fact that the health insurance companies prefer this method of treatment and procedures performed during one-day surgery are reimbursed by them, patients do not pay anything except for payment for some specific operations
- another big advantage is that patients are able to choose the date for surgery . Dates of operations are selected according to the ideas of patients
How to proceed?
Patients need to make consultation with the doctor about the type of surgery. After the consultation, doctor evaluates the patient's condition and decides whether it's appropriate to perform one-day surgery or not. Then doctor and patient set the date of surgery, patient will be instructed about the type of surgery, possible complications, receive and signs "The Instructions and written informed consent of the patient" in the act n. 576/2004 Coll.
During the preparation for surgery, patient is required to undergo preoperative internal examination. The day of the surgery patient comes to the centre at the agreed time, without eating or drinking anything for at least 6 hours before the surgery.
In the evening or on the next day after the surgery, patient is required to have a transport from the centre to the home environment.
Consulting hours - from 8am to 3:30pm
Operating days - from 8.30am to 6:00pm or according to the agreement.
Contract partnership with Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa a.s., Union zdravotná poisťovňa a.s.